OpenAlex author IDs are the unique identifier we use for author profiles. They start with "A" and are followed by a unique number. For instance, the author profile ID for our COO, Kyle Demes, is "A5086928770". The profile can be accessed using this link:
There are a few ways to find your author ID:
- from just start typing the author's name in the search box. this works particularly well for authors with uncommon names;
- when you're looking at works in you can click on the hyperlinked author name to find their author profile. for instance, click "Kyle W Demes" on this work to get to the author profile above;
- go to to search for authors in more detail. you can enter author names and filter results from the author's institution or country
Once you have found and are viewing an author profile, the URL in your browser will end with the author profile ID.